Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Deep Breath Before The Plunge

Damn, I've so much to catch up on, look at these guys with their numerous post. Theres so much been happening over the past few days, I'm not sure I can fit it all in one post, ah hahaha!

Yesterday, in the hopes of scrounging some fun before the end of the holidays, I set out with some friends (including co-author and fellow tiger-hunter, Colm) to eat chocolate and have the best time ever!
We made cups from Roses wrappers. I had a collection, then it got blown over.

This post is titled thusly as a result of the return to the grind that is school. May the force be with us as we once again enter the shaken and battered walls of the structure, which are constantly suffering the barrage of stressed-out, peer-pressured, confused, hormone-injected teenagers, using each other as an emotional crutch as they bear the load of self-questioning and self-awareness, together in their journeys, without knowing quite what is going on behind their eyes, whose only hope is to come out of it alive and laughing.

And thats about it.

See you on the sunny side!

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