Friday, February 27, 2009

You walked right into that one...

The Samsung Blue Earth Phone, I want one.

Its solar powered. But it begs the question, how charged can it get, if its always in my pocket. So that could lead to potential unreliability and uncomfortable calling positions (like the one I was in with your mam! OUCH!) and you'll probably have to take into the account whatever completely unreasonable price they'll charge you for it... But, It'll all be worth while when it tells you how many trees you've saved.

I'll leave you with this question.... "Are there intercom systems and bells in schools for the deaf?"


Friday, February 13, 2009


I was gonna write a post abuot procrastinating.... But I'll do it later.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What the....OW!

I made the tea. For those, everyone, who doesn't know I love for and off tea. I crave it. The day was spent waiting for that first brown drop... So I made it. I then sat down. Got comfortable and was about to sip, the first sip(which is later relevant) when I felt a hair in my mouth. That's just terrible, and it was getting worse and worse and I couldn't get it out and it was even sliding down my throat. Horrible.... BUT THEN! My dog jumped onto the couch, knocked my elbow and knocked the, evidently as scalding as it was unsipped, tea onto my chest. It really hurt. AND I had to arse myself to change. Jesus. what a day. But I'm beginning to become disappointed that that is the most eventful thing that has happened to me in the past while.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

. . .and from the depths, HE ROOOSE!

*There are many rooms. Some rooms within rooms, and those rooms within yet more rooms. Some rooms exist as a singularity. Others band together and keep a window alight in the Great Alone, so travellers of the rooms may see it, come and rest, and be enlightened.
This room lies between other rooms.

Within it. . .
Darkness. A vast open space. Slowly, candles light in the gloom. They serve only to make shadows deeper. Motes of dust hang in the air, sheets of which cover the floor. Here and there are vague shapes buried in the drifts, but it is a vain attempt to determine what they are. Or even what they once were. . . An intercom crackles to life somewhere in the quietly drifting haze. Music plays. It is a soft ballad, calm and up-beat. Perhaps there is some life in this place of places. This hall of halls. This realm, simply abbreviated: S.F.F., on a rusted iron plaque, bolted to the only door. . . the music stops. And then, there was a voice. . .*

Hello. It has been quite some time since I was up here, so peoples, I apologise.
Lookit me talk as people read this! Just haven't been inspired til now!

Yesterday, whilst being busy in my room, the cat walks in. I know! Crazy right? But anyway, I notice she's got a strange greeny-yellow ring around her only patch of orange fur (on her white body), so I'm thinkin' "Holy shit, whats up with that?". Next morning I mention this to my mother who simply says: "Hmm yes, that is strange. It was probably your brother." So I'm thinking "What kind of conclusion is that to come to?! How could anyone just jump straight to the conclusion that my twelve-year-old, not-entirely-a-dumb-ass brother would actually draw with a highlighter on our beloved cat, or on any animal?!? Where the fuck is the sense?!?"
I asked him that morning.
"Listen, I know this is going to sound absurd, but did you actually draw on our cat?"

"Oh. Yyeah. That was me."

I can see you're as speechless as I was. I just didn't know what to say.

Back to more important matters: I have had this old-ass Russian camera (it actually says "Made in U.S.S.R. on it) and for a while I thought it useless as it was worthless and old. Then I realised "Hey! I have an old-ass camera! Thats the only damn thing I will ever take pictures with from now on! Thats awesome!" So yeah, I'm gonna go out and buy some film. And a scanner.

I'm gonna try and hang around some more. I know there was a lot of quotation marks in this post, and for this, I apologise. If you were annoyed by that, hey, go make a sammich, see if I care.

Make post end now.